2019 Completed A researcher’s guide to the Fitbit Ionic smartwatch Supervisor: Jiska Classen Daniel Wegemer
2018 Computer Communications Article The Nexmon firmware analysis and modification framework: Empowering researchers to enhance Wi-Fi devices Matthias Schulz Daniel Wegemer Matthias Hollick PDF BibTeX DOI: 10.1016/j.comcom.2018.05.015 Abstract The most widespread Wi-Fi enabled devices are smartphones. They are mobile, close to people and available in large quantities, which makes them perfect candidates for real-world wireless testbeds. Unfortunately, most smartphones contain closed-source FullMAC Wi-Fi chips that hinder the modification of lower-layer Wi-Fi mechanisms and the implementation of new algorithms. To enable researchers’ access to lower-layer frame processing and advanced physical-layer functionalities on Broadcom Wi-Fi chips, we developed the Nexmon firmware patching framework. It allows users to create firmware modifications for embedded ARM processors using C code and to change the behaviour of Broadcom’s real-time processor using Assembly. Currently, our framework supports nine Broadcom chips available in smartphones and Raspberry Pis. Our example patches enable monitor mode, frame injection, handling of ioctls, ucode compression, flashpatches, software-defined radio capabilities, channel state information extraction and access to debugging features. To enhance firmware analysis, we present a debugger application that directly accesses the debugging core of the ARM microcontroller executing the Wi-Fi firmware. Additionally, we discuss how Wi-Fi chips can be protected from malicious firmware while still allowing researchers to run custom code. Using Nexmon, researchers can unleash the full capabilities of off-the-shelf Wi-Fi devices.
2018 PACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT) Conference Anatomy of a Vulnerable Fitness Tracking System: Dissecting the Fitbit Cloud, App, and Firmware Jiska Classen Daniel Wegemer Paul Patras Tom Spink Matthias Hollick BibTeX
2018 3rd NSF Millimeter-Wave RCN Workshop Conference A Practical IEEE 802.11ad Research Platform: The Hidden Potential of Off -the-Shelf Devices Daniel Steinmetzer Daniel Wegemer Matthias Hollick BibTeX
2017 34th Chaos Communication Congress Conference Doping your Fitbit Jiska Classen Daniel Wegemer PDF BibTeX DOI: 10.5446/34791
2017 CoNEXT ’17: The 13th International Conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies Conference Compressive Millimeter-Wave Sector Selection in Off-the-Shelf IEEE 802.11ad Devices Daniel Steinmetzer Daniel Wegemer Matthias Schulz Jörg Widmer Matthias Hollick BibTeX DOI: 10.1145/3143361.3143384 Abstract Achieving data-rates of multiple Gbps in 60 GHz mm-wave communication systems requires efficient beam-steering algorithms. To find the optimal steering direction on IEEE 802.11ad compatible devices, state-of-the-art approaches sweep through all predefined antenna sectors. Recently, much more efficient alternatives, such as compressive path tracking, have been proposed, which scale well even with arrays with thousands of antenna elements. However, such have not yet been integrated into consumer devices. In this work, we adapt compressive path tracking for sector selection in off-the-shelf IEEE 802.11ad devices. In contrast to existing solutions, our compressive sector selection tolerates the imperfections of low-cost hardware, tracks beam directions in 3D and does not rely on pseudo-random beams. We implement our protocol on a commodity router, the TP-Link Talon AD7200, by modifying the sector sweep algorithm in the IEEE 802.11ad chip's firmware. In particular, we modify the firmware to obtain the signal strength of received frames and to select custom sectors. Using this extension, we precisely measure the device's sector patterns. We then select the best sector based on the measured patterns and sweep only through a subset of probing sectors. Our results demonstrate, that our protocol outperforms the existing sector sweep, increases stability, and speeds up the sector selection by factor 2.3.
2017 11th Workshop on Wireless Network Testbeds, Experimental Evaluation & CHaracterization Conference Nexmon: Build Your Own Wi-Fi Testbeds With Low-Level MAC and PHY-Access Using Firmware Patches on Off-the-Shelf Mobile Devices Matthias Schulz Daniel Wegemer Matthias Hollick PDF BibTeX Abstract The most widespread Wi-Fi enabled devices are smartphones. They are mobile, close to people and available in large quantities, which makes them perfect candidates for real-world wireless testbeds. Unfortunately, most smartphones contain closed-source FullMAC Wi-Fi chips that hinder the modification of lower-layer Wi-Fi mechanisms and the implementation of new algorithms. To enable researchers' access to lower-layer frame processing and advanced physical-layer functionalities on Broadcom Wi-Fi chips, we developed the Nexmon firmware patching framework. It allows users to create firmware modifications for embedded ARM processors using C code and to change the behavior of Broadcom's real-time processor using Assembly. Currently, our framework supports five Broadcom chips available in smartphones and Raspberry Pis. Our example patches enable monitor mode, frame injection, handling of ioctls, ucode compression and flashpatches. In a simple ping offloading example, we demonstrate how handling pings in firmware reduces power consumption by up to 165 mW and is nine times faster than in the kernel on a Nexus 5. Using Nexmon, researchers can unleash the full capabilities of off-the-shelf Wi-Fi devices.
2016 Proceedings of the 9th ACM Conference on Security & Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks (WiSec 2016) Conference DEMO: Using NexMon, the C-based WiFi firmware modification framework Matthias Schulz Daniel Wegemer Matthias Hollick BibTeX DOI: 10.1145/2939918.2942419 Abstract FullMAC WiFi chips have the potential to realize modifications to WiFi implementations that exceed the limits of current standards or to realize the implementation of new standards, such as 802.11p, on off-the-shelve hardware. As a developer, one, however, needs access to the firmware source code to implement these modifications. In general, WiFi firmwares are closed source and do not allow any modifications. With our C-based programming framework, NexMon, we allow the extension of existing firmware of Broadcom's FullMAC WiFi chips. In this work, we demonstrate how to get started by running existing example projects and by creating a new project to transmit arbitrary frames with a Nexus 5 smartphone.
2015 ACM WiSec'15 Conference NFCGate - An NFC Relay Application for Android Max Jakob Maaß Uwe Müller Tom Schons Daniel Wegemer Matthias Schulz BibTeX DOI: 10.1145/2766498.2774984 Abstract Near Field Communication (NFC) is a technology widely used for security-critical applications like access control or payment systems. Many of these systems rely on the security assumption that the card has to be in close proximity to communicate with the reader. We developed NFCGate, an Android application capable of relaying NFC communication between card and reader using two rooted but otherwise unmodified Android phones. This enables us to increase the distance between card and reader, eavesdrop on, and even modify the exchanged data. The application should work for any system built on top of ISO 14443-3 that is not hardened against relay attacks, and was successfully tested with a popular contactless card payment system and an electronic passport document.